
the heart of a sapphire, the flame of love, the law of the universe and the beauty of life.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The commandment was given "Thou shall not covet". And later it says that all these commandments were given "for our own good" but this one doesn't really seem as important as some of the others. We all recognize that we should not murder, steal, and lie. Honoring our parents is certainly a noble idea. But coveting? What's the harm in that? It's only natural, isn't it, to want what someone else has got? It can be a good thing, driving us to succeed in our careers so that we can have nice things for our family.

While there's nothing wrong in being successful, I've been having a lot of struggles with envy lately. I want what other people have. Or at least, I want how it easy it seems to be for them to have what they do, while everything for me is a struggle: from my career to staying healthy to my long-distance relationship. I've had to wait eighteen months for a second date!

Why does every little thing have to be so hard to accomplish? Is it that way for everyone or is it just me?

I guess it's probably everyone. We all have our own problems, but I've realized that "not coveting" IS in fact for our own good, but not just because it fills your heart with longing for things that are not yours. It's because it makes you forget all of the good things you do have. You take for granted all of the wonderful people and experiences that have enriched your life. Yesterday I cried because of some stupid small thing....forgetting that I don't have that thing because I have something much better. Why do I need both? Why do I forget, keep forgetting, over and over, all of the blessings I have?

My only answer is that it's my flawed human nature. And the solution is to remember, to remind myself again and again how much I have. My better half has always said that wealth is in family, not in things. If I can extend that to the family of my heart and not just my blood, I would agree that I am truly wealthy. I pray I'll not forget that again.